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Q. What's all about?
A.  I think when it comes to negotiating prices, I'm like most Americans: Lacking the time or the know-how to haggle prices. Seriously, I'm one of those people. So I designed to be a place where Sellers & Buyers could haggle/ work-out REASONABLE prices for items for sale. Snoopbid haggles the price on behalf of lister.

It's all about generating sales for your items and visitors to your website(s) for a low cost...or for FREE!

Q. Who am I?
A. My name is Snoop (Yes, my mother actually named me this lol) and I'm a college student that's been pretty distracted by being online and building the most random of programs. :-T lol While working towards my degrees from UC Berkeley (which I'm currently on [a long] hiatus from), me an my friends started spending a great deal of searching for all kinds of things on the world's greatest classifieds site (Craigliiiiiiiist!!!!! <3, I mean seriously, how can you not love CL!?!?). The more we were on CL instead of studying, I realized, no one, not the  buyers or sellers really knew how to barter... that's when I said, why not make an 'add-on' for CL that would do the work for us (as you can see...we're selectively lazy lol); Snoopbid was born.

Q. Is posting on free?
A. Yes, to POST on is completely free.

Q. How do you guys get paid?
A. The only time you pay on Snoopbid is if you sell something through our service. If we help you earn more money, wouldn't you want to throw us a little change? (-_-)The point of Snoopbid is to make the buyer and seller feel the exchange is reasonable.

Q. How do I post an ad?
A. First of all, you will need to become a member, you can join here. The reason you need to join is so you can be able to edit your postings. After you create your account, you'll be logged in, so all you have to do is click the "Post A Listing" link on the left.  use the SuperStart. use the Exchanger, or a combination of all three.

Q. How many times can the price be haggled back and forth?
A. Sellers are allowed to set the number of bids as high as they want.

Q. How many ads am I allowed to post each day?
A. As many as you want, we have no limits on the amount of ads you can post.

Q. Is there a way to get more visitors to my post?
A. Yes, visit our advertising page for more details.

Q. Do you have an affiliate program/referral levels?

Q. What happens to the listing after the item is paid for?
A. It depends on the quantity listed and sold. If the seller lists that there is only on of the item, then the system may list the item as inactive. But it is the resposibility of the seller to make sure their listings are accurate.

Q. Can I improve the final price?
For buyers: The larger you make your offers, the more the Seller will move closer to your asking price.
For Sellers: Play with your settings in your "Add Products" page. Then test it out to make sure you like how SnoopBid haggles.

Q. Can I check-out an item in person before I buy it?
A. If the Seller has declared a deposit, buyers have the ability to pay that non-refundable deposit before paying the 'Full Agreed-Upon Price'. Once the deposit is paid, a buyer has the freedom to go check out the merchandise, which the seller must make available. If it is satisfactory, buyers may proceed to finish the deal, but if Buyers change their minds, then the seller is allowed to keep the deposit.

Q. Why do need to use Paypal to post on Snoopbid?
A. This is a security measure to make sure that sellers are verified and minimalize scams.

Q. How many accounts may I have on SnoopBid?
A. As many as you like! Just remember you need a different Paypal email for each account.

Q. How do I cancel my account?
A. We don't know why you would want to do this, but if you do, just send an email to, giving your member ID, username, email and a brief reason why you wish to cancel.

Q. What are Referrals?
A. You can generate referrals when you send new members to the website. In order to generate referrals you need to place your referral code on your webpages. When someone visits the site via your referral links and decides to join SnoopBid, we will give you 50 credits plus residual credits when they use the services, and if your referrals signup referrals you will earn from them too.

In the members area you can find various referral codes including text links, banners, buttons, search boxes and signup forms. Signing up referrals is a great way to build up long term residual traffic to your ads or website(s).


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SnoopBid: The Auto-Haggler™oopBid: The Auto-Haggler™oopBid: The Auto-Haggler™id: The Auto-Haggler™™
& The Make An Offer Website
Don't Have Time to Negotiate with Buyers? Let SnoopBid do it for you!
1. Seller: List an Item
2. Buyer: Make An Offer
3. Snoopbid: Closes the Deal
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